Saturday, December 27, 2008

Time flies

It's hard to believe that Christmas has come and gone and we're hurtling towards the new year. What a year 2008 has been. I'm looking forward to 2009 and what it might bring. The new year is always a time for excitement because you don't know what is in store for you.
Anyway, we spent Christmas at my sister's and we had a lovely dinner. Her cat Boots was as crazy as ever. He's such a sweet boy. He was so excited Christmas day- jumping in the wrapping paper and hopping from chair to chair it is almost like having a human child. Boots is a lot of fun and I'm happy that he's a part of our family. Ours is so small and since my niece isn't a little kid anymore Boots really livens things up with his antics. I'll be spending a few days with them this coming week so I'm sure he'll be lively entertainment. For Christmas I got him a weasel ball. It's a soft weasel toy animal that's attached to a plastic ball. You open it up to install the battery and to turn it on. He didn't know what to make of it! He'll get up the courage to attack it in the next few days I'm sure. With that cat it's always a Kodak moment!
Julius is doing good. He's out and about right now. Santa Claus brought him special seafood cat treats and he really likes them. He doesn't care for animals and those balls that has the bells in them. I guess he's too old and mature for that silly stuff. Oh well, I love my Julius. He's a sweet cat and after 17 months of being with us he's finally getting comfortable with us. It's about time! Sometimes it takes cats longer to warm to humans than others. I'm glad he's my cat because he's very special. Whereas Boots is silly Julius is very serious.
Anyway, I hope everyone is enjoying their Christmas holiday. Have a safe and Happy New Year y'all!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Merry Christmas!

I'd like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. Time certainly flies and before we know it it'll be 2009! I hope everyone is keeping sane these days. During these hard times it is best to remember that it doesn't matter how much money we spend as long as we are with the people we love. And, if you cannot afford to give much you can give your time, there are many places to volunteer. One of which is a nursing home; the residents love to have visitors. So take some time to volunteer your time.
Peace everyone.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

What's new?

Hello. I've been so busy substitute teaching and keeping up with my online courses that I haven't had much time to come here and maintain my blog. Since the last time I posted a lot has happened and one thing that has happened is we have a new president. America's first bi-racial president. It is a historic time for Americans and the rest of the world is watching us now. This election was truly a first because not only did we have the first bi-racial candidate but we also had a woman vice-presidential candidate. Wow! Now that history has been made there is no telling where it will lead us. We should keep McCain and Palin in our prayers as well as president-elect Obama and Mr. Biden. We should also keep President Bush in our prayers as he leaves the White House for other endeavours.
Julius is doing well; he may be doing a little too well. He's eating too much because he's looking all bloated so I'm going to help him cut back on his caloric intake by modifying his portions. He could be packing it on more because of the ensuing winter months but you couldn't tell it by the weather we're having right now. Even though it's November you couldn't tell it by the summer-like weather we are still having in central Texas. I wish it would get cooler. I'm tired of warm, sunny weather but no doubt if I lived up north I'd be complaining about the cold weather. People are never satisfied.
Anyway, hope everyone is doing well. Thanksgiving is almost upon us so that's something to look forward to. See ya later!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Thanksgiving is almost here

It's hard to believe that Thanksgiving is almost here. Time is evaporating. I have been busy with my online courses and substitute teaching. I began subbing a month ago for my local school district. It has been very educational and I am meeting many wonderful people and the students are great. Sometimes I think I learn more from them than they do from me. That's life; one never stops learning.

If you haven't done so already don't forget to vote tomorrow. Voting is very important. This is a very important election this year. Not only do we have the first African-American presidential candidate but we also have the first female vice-presidential candidate so this truly is a milestone in American history. Get out there and exercise your constitutional right!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Who do you support?

Since the presidential election is less than two months away people need to be mindful of who and what they support. If you're not careful you could inadvertently be supporting the wrong candidate. Your money could end up in their coffers. Taking the time to find out about your favorite actor, singer or entertainer's choice of candidate is very important right now. It's also important to find out about the places you shop. What agendas do they support? I for one don't want my money going to a candidate who I feel is not qualified to lead the nation. It is best practice to research this and know who supports who because in the end you're supporting them too.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Hurricane Ike update

The area in which my sister and her family lives in was spared from Hurricane Ike. The many prayers that were offered up for them was answered. Even though there is major devastation for parts of Texas and Louisiana where she lives was virtually left untouched- they didn't even receive winds and rain. Those areas which are devastated need continued prayers. Please remember them.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Hurricane Ike

Right now evacuations are beginning for many Texas residents. We need to keep those people in our prayers. We need to also pray for those who have already weathered this hurricane. As it's traveling across the Gulf it is gaining momentum and landfall is expected late Friday/ early Saturday. If you live in this area follow procedures as they are posted- your life is worth more than possessions.
Take care and God Bless!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Old King Coal Festival

If you grew up in southern Illinois, and in particular West Frankfort, then the Old King Coal Festival is something that you would've looked forward to every September. Even though it was always a bummer to go back to school the festival was the summer's last shout before autumn settled in. Autumns in southern Illinois were always breath-taking with its changing foliage and wood smoke in the air. The festival itself dates back many years and since southern Illinois is full of coal why not have a festival? The last time I went was 1990 but as a child I would never miss it. If my parents didn't take me my eldest sister did when she was at home. Once I hit Jr. High I would go by myself. It was always fun to walk around the Midway, toss the hoops to win a prize or eat some cotton candy. The rides were always spectacular too. I died a thousand deaths on the Hurricane, Super Tempest and Round-Up. Now, when I smell funnel cakes, I instantly think of the Old King Coal Festival. I truly believe that our memory is in our noses. If you're ever near West Frankfort and it's mid September stop in for some Old King Coal fun.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

5 Sundays are better than 5 Mondays

Last month was a five Sunday month. This month, unfortunately, is a five Monday month. I know that all you M-F workers will agree that five Sundays are better than five Mondays. When the whistle sounds and you're driving home from work tomorrow think of how that two are down and there's only three more to go. Once next week rolls around you're on the down hill slide.

Have a great weekend everyone! :)

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Autumn is almost here!!

The exciting thing about that is that October is next month and with October comes Halloween and that is my favorite holiday. I hope and pray that it cools down some so it can feel a little bit like autumn. The leaves don't turn around here till January but if we could get some of that cool autumn weather that would be enough for me. For those of you who live in a northern state get out there and enjoy the changing season. And when you do, think of me! ;)

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Back to School

It's hard to believe that August is almost over. The good thing in that is Autumn is almost here. If you live where I do though that doesn't mean too much unfortunately. I miss the changing colors, crispness in the air and the smell of wood smoke.

With August comes a return to school. Some people may or may not be happy about that but the summer is long enough. It is time for those who are students to return to school and clear the cobwebs from their minds. I hope and pray that their brains are responsive to what's being taught to them and I also pray that educators everywhere have the strength and fortitude to tackle a new school year.

How about the Olympics? I'm not a fan of the Summer Olympics but I am a huge fan of the Winter Olympics. It is awesome that Michael Phelps won all the medals that he did. He beat Mark Spitz's record and that stood for 36 years! All the Olympians are winners though because it takes a lot of hard work and dedication to qualify so hats off to them all!

Julius is doing well- he's beginning to fill out so I'm going to cut some of his food back. Since Cali was stolen he's been at home every day. I spend more time with him because I know he's lonely without her. He's very sweet and I always know when he doesn't want me to go in; he'll stand by the door not letting me go inside. If that doesn't work then he'll hiss and start biting my toes. It's so cute but a little worrisome sometimes.

Well, keep cool y'all!!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Happy August!

It's hard to believe that it's August 1st already. Autumn will be here soon and even though that doesn't mean a whole lot in central Texas it is still a great time of year. Honestly I do not like summer and the months of July August have never been my favorite.

I did my monthly weigh in and as of today I have lost 100 pounds since August 2007. I still have more to lose but 100 pounds is nothing to sneeze at. That is an amazing weight loss victory and I'm very happy about it.

I am looking for a job right now. It's not been easy but the Lord knows what I need and I have faith that something wonderful will come my way. The hard part is is having a degree but no experience.

On a sadder note Cali is gone. As far as we know she's not dead and we believe her former owners took her away. They live behind us and being that they're not the most pleasant of people there's nothing we can do about it. I miss her terribly and Julius is very lonesome for her. After process of elimination the only explanation is that her former owners took her and gave her to someone they know. I have scoured the neighborhood and I put up a flyer in the local post office I have walked around the neighborhood asking if anyone has seen her and no one can tell me anything. It's almost as if she disappeared off the face of the earth. I hope she's happy wherever she is and that she's being treated right. She's a very sweet cat so she deserves the best. I'll have to say that she was the best cat I ever had the pleasure of owning. Or should I say had the pleasure of being owned by.

Keep Cali and me in your prayers. Have a great day. Good Bless!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

In honor of Cali's first anniversary...

... I thought up this ditty:

One year ago today, my Cali Foo Foo came to stay,
She is so very sweet and oh what a treat
To let her have her own way

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Cheshire Boots

A new picture has been uploaded to my page and that is of Cheshire Boots. Cheshire Boots, or Boots, is Cali and Julius' new cousin. He adopted my sister, niece and brother last month and he's quite a character! I know that Cali would love him to pieces and mother him to death but Jules would probably be a little jealous. He's a wonderful addition to the family. He was living at the Dorothy O'Connor Pet Adoption Center in Victoria, Texas. Adopting a pet is a wonderful way to add to your family and there are many pets who need a safe and loving home. Visit your local pet adoption center because they need enthusiastic and caring individuals to come in and help care for the animals who live there. Who knows, maybe one of the resident's will adopt you! :)

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Woohoo! Graduation!!

In less than a week I will be graduating from the Axia College of University of Phoenix with an Associate's degree in Health Administration. I'm so happy! Beginning July 1st I will be going into the University of Phoenix Bachelor's of Science in Health Administration program. I have waited for this moment for a year and a half and I'm so happy about this new chapter in my life. I'm sure that many people who have gone onto higher education can understand my elation. I know that I have about two more years to go but obtaining my Associate's degree is the most exciting because it's the first degree I'll receive. No doubt the Bachelor's degree will be just as special but there's something special about your first one.
Anyway I wanted to update everyone on how school is going. Have a great day and keep cool!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Don't let the gas prices get you down!

Since Memorial Day weekend is coming up and the summer break is right around the corner don't let the mounting gas prices get in the way of a fun time. One thing a person can do is take advantage of local points of interest. Not only will you be learning about what's been in your backyard all these years but you'll be stimulating the local economy too.

Another thing a person can do is to walk or bike more. This will not only be healthful for you and your family but being in the outdoors will clear out the cobwebs. Taking the necessary precautions of doing these activities is always the best way to go; i.e. light clothing, safety gear, sunscreen and remember to drink plenty of water to replenish and recharge your batteries.

There are a plethora of ways to have fun and enjoy the company of your friends and loved ones on a budget. Get out there and explore your hometown. Call your Chamber of Commerce if you don't know what's on offer and remember to have fun. Yes, the gas prices are high and expected to go higher but that shouldn't keep you from enjoying those long, summer days.


Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there. Even if you're not a mother but have been "like a mother" to someone else this greeting is for you too. It's your day so enjoy it! Have a blessed Mother's Day.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

A missive to update you

Hi all. I'm sorry it's been a while since my last post. I've been busy these past weeks. The weather here is gorgeous. The wind has picked up but it's so nice to have fresh air coming into the house. In a month or so it won't be like this at all so I'm taking full advantage of it. The cats are the same. Yesterday I made the mistake of giving them leftover meat from the church's potluck on Sunday and that didn't go over too well. They like the meat but not as the first meal of the day. They have become accustomed to their soft food breakfast. Needless to say they didn't eat it and I had to go in search of them to feed them their proper breakfast. The meat is okay and they enjoy eating it but only as a snack and not as the first meal of the day. I should've known better. I won't make that mistake again.

On a sad note my neighbor across the street passed away last Friday. He was such a wonderful, sweet man. His wife is devastated so we have made it known that we will be there for her if she needs anything. It's a difficult time for her and that family. They need everyone's prayers.

My mom celebrated her birthday on Saturday the 26th so we went up to Buda with the express purpose of visiting some old antique shops there. They were having the wiener dog races and some type of fair and this made it impossible to do anything in that town so we didn't stick around long. We did have lunch at the Chili's and they came out and sang Happy Birthday to her, that was nice.

The garden is coming along nicely. Cali loves the back yard and the garden so that is her little sanctuary. Jules loves it too but the back garden is Cali's world. I'm in the market for a stone angel that is in the shape of a cat so hopefully I'll find one. The red bark mulch looks lovely and it smells wonderful. I love the smell of bark mulch and it makes the yard look nice.

The hummingbirds is drinking the nectar so fast I can hardly keep up with the feeders I have. The other birds come around but thankfully the brown-headed cowbirds have gone. Maybe they're gone for good.

That's about all that's been going on. I keep promising pictures but sine I don't have a camera it's a little difficult to take snapshots. Hopefully soon I can borrow one because there are lots of photos I'd like to post.

Hope this missive finds everyone in great health. Until next time...

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Would you like some tea with your sugar?

Since October 1, 2007 I have cut sugar completely from my diet. I did this because I was going through 5 pound bags every 10 days for my iced tea and this was not going to help me in my lifestyle change. It was hard at first but I found that I could live without it. I used to bake a lot but of course with changing my eating habits I have cut back considerably. There are sugar substitutes and during the holidays I used it in my annual holiday bake-off. I love to bake and share my baked goods with family and neighbors and even though I do not bake as much as I used to I am able to share more of it because what I bake now I don't eat. It takes a lot of will power for anyone to beg off sweets and I am no exception. I have become stronger in my resolve to not use sugar. I certainly feel better for it and I won't be inheriting the Type II sugar diabetes that plagues my father's side of the family. You can do it, you can give up sugar. So toss out the ole sugar bowl folks and live better. The next time you make a glass of tea don't use sugar, if I can do it anyone can! Peace.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

ants! ants! ANTS!

I've been doing some gardening and the fire ant population is as thick as ever. I got into a nest of them while I was upturning some earth in the mini-garden in the back yard. Good gawd!! They are terrible and spring has barely begun.

The birds are in abundance and Julius likes to watch them. Both he and Cali likes to keep tabs on them but don't worry- they never catch any. Julius falls asleep while watching them and Cali is getting too old. The wonderful thing about the back yard is that both cats and birds co-habitate with one another peaceably; the way God intended.

The peach trees are getting blooms on them so Bobby I hope you're ready because soon we're going to have a bumper crop and you'll get the pick of the bunch!

Anyway, have a nice evening one. Until next time...

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Checking in

I thought I'd check in. I was sick for my birthday so I didn't get to go to San Antonio. Next week I'm going to Bastrop with my mother to make up for it. I like Bastrop so it will be a nice outing.

I hope everyone had a joyous Easter. I enjoyed mine with a sunrise service at the local Methodist Church. The weather was lovely that day so that was an added bonus.

The brown-headed cowbirds have been monopolizing the bird feeders. I don't know what else to do about this invasion. They are messy eaters and they scare away the other birds. When they do leave the cardinals and black-capped chickadees scrounge for the left-overs. I have put out the hummingbird feeders and even though the nectar is half gone in all of them I haven't seen one hummingbird. Who knows? Maybe the brown-headed cowbirds have found a way to monopolize that too. I wish they'd go back to the fields with the cows.

I can't wait for the scissor-tailed to come around. They should be making their way up from Mexico any time now. Not only does the scissor-tailed come around at this time of year but the Mexican butterflies should be passing through as well. That's always a lovely sight.

In the side yard there are bunches and bunches of purple spider wort. Those flowers are beautiful and since there is an abundance I have been cutting them for the house. I place them in a vase and display it on the kitchen table. I had a bouquet in celebration of Easter and it was very fitting for the occasion. The purpleness of the flowers really made a point with the Easter holiday.

I hope this missive finds everyone in good health and spirits. Hopefully soon I'll be able to snap off some pictures for everyone to see. Have a great afternoon!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The Ides of March are almost upon us...

Hey everyone,

It's hard to believe it's March already! The Ides are almost upon us as well as my birthday. I'm definitely a lot wiser than I was last year at this time. The good thing about getting older is that most of us gets wiser too. Oh how I'd hate to be one of those unfortunate ones who does not!

I'm looking forward to my birthday next week. If the weather permits I'm going to go to the River Walk in San Antonio. I'll take lots of pictures and upload them here. Have a good evening everyone!

Monday, February 18, 2008

Cali and Julius

Look over there ------->

Isn't she beautiful? I promise to post a picture of Julius too. He's never in one place too long. I'm putting up more and more bird feeders in the back yard. It's funny because the cats do not bother them for which I am glad. I feed them very well so there is no need for them to go sniffing back there. Soon I'll be putting up my hummingbird feeders too. I bought a hanging basket today and I'm going to plant pansies in it. That'll be beautiful. Pansies are low maintenence which is good for me sine I'm notorious for killing plants and flowers faster than I can put them in.

Enjoy the day. Get out there and smell the flowers!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Romantic notions...

With Valentine's Day being only two days away my thoughts are on romantic notions. I am single right now but would love to meet a nice man. I hadn't given it much thought for a long time but I'm getting my life in order and making many positive steps in the right direction. It would be a blessing to meet someone with the same ideals and principles as I have. The world is a big place so I will not despair. Even if I never do meet a decent man at least I would have achieved the ultimate: loving myself first. Not many people do and even though they may have a terrific person in their life it is unfortunate that they have never found that inner peace that comes with finally accepting themselves and being okay with the who they are. I'd like to wish everyone a Happy St. Valentine's Day and even though you may be single don't let the holiday of love get you down. I plan on having a nice day out with my mom following up with a nice dinner and heart-shaped cake with flowers on the table! Make it a nice day for yourself because you are worth it.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Skinnier Woman

Happy February everyone! This morning I weighed myself and I have lost 20 more pounds. Last night I tried on a pair of jeans that I couldn't even get up over my hips last summer and they fit! I cannot tell you how happy that made me. It is amazing what eating healthy and exercise can do for a person. If I can do it anyone can do it!!

University of Phoenix Stadium

I was surprised when I saw a piece on the school website about University of Phoenix having their own stadium. That is so awesome! Go here to check it out!!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Long time, no see

I hope everyone had a nice holiday. Can you believe it's almost February? Time is flying by! My classes are coming along nicely. In less than six months I'll have my degree! I'm so happy about that!

I have been doing this new work-out routine called Turbo Jam. Is it ever intense! My old neck injury has flared up again so I'm having to take a few days off to let it heal. I can't afford to have it more damaged.

Last week Cali was very sick but she is doing much better now. I'm happy because she was really sick. You can see a picture of her on my Yahoo! 360 page. She is so adorable!

I hope this missive finds everyone in great health and spirits! See y'all soon!!
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