Saturday, March 29, 2008

ants! ants! ANTS!

I've been doing some gardening and the fire ant population is as thick as ever. I got into a nest of them while I was upturning some earth in the mini-garden in the back yard. Good gawd!! They are terrible and spring has barely begun.

The birds are in abundance and Julius likes to watch them. Both he and Cali likes to keep tabs on them but don't worry- they never catch any. Julius falls asleep while watching them and Cali is getting too old. The wonderful thing about the back yard is that both cats and birds co-habitate with one another peaceably; the way God intended.

The peach trees are getting blooms on them so Bobby I hope you're ready because soon we're going to have a bumper crop and you'll get the pick of the bunch!

Anyway, have a nice evening one. Until next time...

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