Thursday, March 27, 2008

Checking in

I thought I'd check in. I was sick for my birthday so I didn't get to go to San Antonio. Next week I'm going to Bastrop with my mother to make up for it. I like Bastrop so it will be a nice outing.

I hope everyone had a joyous Easter. I enjoyed mine with a sunrise service at the local Methodist Church. The weather was lovely that day so that was an added bonus.

The brown-headed cowbirds have been monopolizing the bird feeders. I don't know what else to do about this invasion. They are messy eaters and they scare away the other birds. When they do leave the cardinals and black-capped chickadees scrounge for the left-overs. I have put out the hummingbird feeders and even though the nectar is half gone in all of them I haven't seen one hummingbird. Who knows? Maybe the brown-headed cowbirds have found a way to monopolize that too. I wish they'd go back to the fields with the cows.

I can't wait for the scissor-tailed to come around. They should be making their way up from Mexico any time now. Not only does the scissor-tailed come around at this time of year but the Mexican butterflies should be passing through as well. That's always a lovely sight.

In the side yard there are bunches and bunches of purple spider wort. Those flowers are beautiful and since there is an abundance I have been cutting them for the house. I place them in a vase and display it on the kitchen table. I had a bouquet in celebration of Easter and it was very fitting for the occasion. The purpleness of the flowers really made a point with the Easter holiday.

I hope this missive finds everyone in good health and spirits. Hopefully soon I'll be able to snap off some pictures for everyone to see. Have a great afternoon!

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