Sunday, March 30, 2008

Would you like some tea with your sugar?

Since October 1, 2007 I have cut sugar completely from my diet. I did this because I was going through 5 pound bags every 10 days for my iced tea and this was not going to help me in my lifestyle change. It was hard at first but I found that I could live without it. I used to bake a lot but of course with changing my eating habits I have cut back considerably. There are sugar substitutes and during the holidays I used it in my annual holiday bake-off. I love to bake and share my baked goods with family and neighbors and even though I do not bake as much as I used to I am able to share more of it because what I bake now I don't eat. It takes a lot of will power for anyone to beg off sweets and I am no exception. I have become stronger in my resolve to not use sugar. I certainly feel better for it and I won't be inheriting the Type II sugar diabetes that plagues my father's side of the family. You can do it, you can give up sugar. So toss out the ole sugar bowl folks and live better. The next time you make a glass of tea don't use sugar, if I can do it anyone can! Peace.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

ants! ants! ANTS!

I've been doing some gardening and the fire ant population is as thick as ever. I got into a nest of them while I was upturning some earth in the mini-garden in the back yard. Good gawd!! They are terrible and spring has barely begun.

The birds are in abundance and Julius likes to watch them. Both he and Cali likes to keep tabs on them but don't worry- they never catch any. Julius falls asleep while watching them and Cali is getting too old. The wonderful thing about the back yard is that both cats and birds co-habitate with one another peaceably; the way God intended.

The peach trees are getting blooms on them so Bobby I hope you're ready because soon we're going to have a bumper crop and you'll get the pick of the bunch!

Anyway, have a nice evening one. Until next time...

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Checking in

I thought I'd check in. I was sick for my birthday so I didn't get to go to San Antonio. Next week I'm going to Bastrop with my mother to make up for it. I like Bastrop so it will be a nice outing.

I hope everyone had a joyous Easter. I enjoyed mine with a sunrise service at the local Methodist Church. The weather was lovely that day so that was an added bonus.

The brown-headed cowbirds have been monopolizing the bird feeders. I don't know what else to do about this invasion. They are messy eaters and they scare away the other birds. When they do leave the cardinals and black-capped chickadees scrounge for the left-overs. I have put out the hummingbird feeders and even though the nectar is half gone in all of them I haven't seen one hummingbird. Who knows? Maybe the brown-headed cowbirds have found a way to monopolize that too. I wish they'd go back to the fields with the cows.

I can't wait for the scissor-tailed to come around. They should be making their way up from Mexico any time now. Not only does the scissor-tailed come around at this time of year but the Mexican butterflies should be passing through as well. That's always a lovely sight.

In the side yard there are bunches and bunches of purple spider wort. Those flowers are beautiful and since there is an abundance I have been cutting them for the house. I place them in a vase and display it on the kitchen table. I had a bouquet in celebration of Easter and it was very fitting for the occasion. The purpleness of the flowers really made a point with the Easter holiday.

I hope this missive finds everyone in good health and spirits. Hopefully soon I'll be able to snap off some pictures for everyone to see. Have a great afternoon!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The Ides of March are almost upon us...

Hey everyone,

It's hard to believe it's March already! The Ides are almost upon us as well as my birthday. I'm definitely a lot wiser than I was last year at this time. The good thing about getting older is that most of us gets wiser too. Oh how I'd hate to be one of those unfortunate ones who does not!

I'm looking forward to my birthday next week. If the weather permits I'm going to go to the River Walk in San Antonio. I'll take lots of pictures and upload them here. Have a good evening everyone!
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