Thursday, June 11, 2009

Thyroid surgery

On Monday, June 22nd I go in to have my thyroid removed. Earlier in the year they found a growth and to be on the safe side my doctor wants me to have a thyroidectomy. Since I have a family history of thyroid problems it is best. I'm not looking forward to this of course but it will be nice not to have a lump in my throat or feel like I'm choking. My symptoms have been mild compared to some. I have been having problems regulating my body temperature and I've been tired a lot. I've told several people that there's no telling how bad I would really feel if I hadn't lost all the weight I have lost. Just because you can lose weight does not mean that you don't have thyroid problems. I had been suspecting problems for a few years but it wasn't till the lump in my throat became more noticeable that I felt compelled to seek medical advice- I'm glad I did. May I add that my thyroid blood work that was done back in February showed no problems even though I have a huge goiter. It is different for everyone and not all cases are identical. Seek medical help if you suspect thyroid problems.
Please keep me in your prayers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I do not have much of information about your particular condition, but if biopsy shows benign cyst without compartments [septations] you may try PEI treatment [ethanol injection] which suppose to shrink the cyst. Best of luck!!

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