Tuesday, June 23, 2009

feeling better

Glory to God!! I had my thyroid surgery yesterday morning and by the evening time I was able to go home. The surgeon removed the cyst and right thyroid. Both are going to be sent off to pathology to see if they are cancerous. If they are then I will have to have additional surgery to remove the rest of my thyroid. I am confident though that no cancer will be found. I will find out either way this Thursday when I go for a follow-up with the surgeon.
My throat and neck are sore and there is redness at the site but that is normal. I have to cough to clear my throat because it feels like a have a cold- other than that everything is okay. It does hurt to swallow but this will subside soon.
I appreciate all the prayers that everyone has been sending up for me. Please keep 'em coming!

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