Friday, June 26, 2009

thyroid cancer

I went for my follow-up yesterday and found that the cyst was cancerous. However, they removed the right thyroid so the cancer is gone. I have to go back in six months for a check up but for right now I'm okay. I have healed nicely and am feeling very good under the circumstances. I do not need thyroid medication because I still have the left side and that is what's functioning for me. I credit diet and exercise for my feeling as good as I do because if I was still obese I wouldn't be in as good of shape as I am now. I give glory and honor to God for my weightloss success as well as the success of my surgery. Diet and exercise makes all the difference in the world.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

feeling better

Glory to God!! I had my thyroid surgery yesterday morning and by the evening time I was able to go home. The surgeon removed the cyst and right thyroid. Both are going to be sent off to pathology to see if they are cancerous. If they are then I will have to have additional surgery to remove the rest of my thyroid. I am confident though that no cancer will be found. I will find out either way this Thursday when I go for a follow-up with the surgeon.
My throat and neck are sore and there is redness at the site but that is normal. I have to cough to clear my throat because it feels like a have a cold- other than that everything is okay. It does hurt to swallow but this will subside soon.
I appreciate all the prayers that everyone has been sending up for me. Please keep 'em coming!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Thyroid surgery

On Monday, June 22nd I go in to have my thyroid removed. Earlier in the year they found a growth and to be on the safe side my doctor wants me to have a thyroidectomy. Since I have a family history of thyroid problems it is best. I'm not looking forward to this of course but it will be nice not to have a lump in my throat or feel like I'm choking. My symptoms have been mild compared to some. I have been having problems regulating my body temperature and I've been tired a lot. I've told several people that there's no telling how bad I would really feel if I hadn't lost all the weight I have lost. Just because you can lose weight does not mean that you don't have thyroid problems. I had been suspecting problems for a few years but it wasn't till the lump in my throat became more noticeable that I felt compelled to seek medical advice- I'm glad I did. May I add that my thyroid blood work that was done back in February showed no problems even though I have a huge goiter. It is different for everyone and not all cases are identical. Seek medical help if you suspect thyroid problems.
Please keep me in your prayers.
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