Thursday, November 13, 2008

What's new?

Hello. I've been so busy substitute teaching and keeping up with my online courses that I haven't had much time to come here and maintain my blog. Since the last time I posted a lot has happened and one thing that has happened is we have a new president. America's first bi-racial president. It is a historic time for Americans and the rest of the world is watching us now. This election was truly a first because not only did we have the first bi-racial candidate but we also had a woman vice-presidential candidate. Wow! Now that history has been made there is no telling where it will lead us. We should keep McCain and Palin in our prayers as well as president-elect Obama and Mr. Biden. We should also keep President Bush in our prayers as he leaves the White House for other endeavours.
Julius is doing well; he may be doing a little too well. He's eating too much because he's looking all bloated so I'm going to help him cut back on his caloric intake by modifying his portions. He could be packing it on more because of the ensuing winter months but you couldn't tell it by the weather we're having right now. Even though it's November you couldn't tell it by the summer-like weather we are still having in central Texas. I wish it would get cooler. I'm tired of warm, sunny weather but no doubt if I lived up north I'd be complaining about the cold weather. People are never satisfied.
Anyway, hope everyone is doing well. Thanksgiving is almost upon us so that's something to look forward to. See ya later!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Thanksgiving is almost here

It's hard to believe that Thanksgiving is almost here. Time is evaporating. I have been busy with my online courses and substitute teaching. I began subbing a month ago for my local school district. It has been very educational and I am meeting many wonderful people and the students are great. Sometimes I think I learn more from them than they do from me. That's life; one never stops learning.

If you haven't done so already don't forget to vote tomorrow. Voting is very important. This is a very important election this year. Not only do we have the first African-American presidential candidate but we also have the first female vice-presidential candidate so this truly is a milestone in American history. Get out there and exercise your constitutional right!
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