Friday, September 19, 2008

Who do you support?

Since the presidential election is less than two months away people need to be mindful of who and what they support. If you're not careful you could inadvertently be supporting the wrong candidate. Your money could end up in their coffers. Taking the time to find out about your favorite actor, singer or entertainer's choice of candidate is very important right now. It's also important to find out about the places you shop. What agendas do they support? I for one don't want my money going to a candidate who I feel is not qualified to lead the nation. It is best practice to research this and know who supports who because in the end you're supporting them too.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Hurricane Ike update

The area in which my sister and her family lives in was spared from Hurricane Ike. The many prayers that were offered up for them was answered. Even though there is major devastation for parts of Texas and Louisiana where she lives was virtually left untouched- they didn't even receive winds and rain. Those areas which are devastated need continued prayers. Please remember them.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Hurricane Ike

Right now evacuations are beginning for many Texas residents. We need to keep those people in our prayers. We need to also pray for those who have already weathered this hurricane. As it's traveling across the Gulf it is gaining momentum and landfall is expected late Friday/ early Saturday. If you live in this area follow procedures as they are posted- your life is worth more than possessions.
Take care and God Bless!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Old King Coal Festival

If you grew up in southern Illinois, and in particular West Frankfort, then the Old King Coal Festival is something that you would've looked forward to every September. Even though it was always a bummer to go back to school the festival was the summer's last shout before autumn settled in. Autumns in southern Illinois were always breath-taking with its changing foliage and wood smoke in the air. The festival itself dates back many years and since southern Illinois is full of coal why not have a festival? The last time I went was 1990 but as a child I would never miss it. If my parents didn't take me my eldest sister did when she was at home. Once I hit Jr. High I would go by myself. It was always fun to walk around the Midway, toss the hoops to win a prize or eat some cotton candy. The rides were always spectacular too. I died a thousand deaths on the Hurricane, Super Tempest and Round-Up. Now, when I smell funnel cakes, I instantly think of the Old King Coal Festival. I truly believe that our memory is in our noses. If you're ever near West Frankfort and it's mid September stop in for some Old King Coal fun.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

5 Sundays are better than 5 Mondays

Last month was a five Sunday month. This month, unfortunately, is a five Monday month. I know that all you M-F workers will agree that five Sundays are better than five Mondays. When the whistle sounds and you're driving home from work tomorrow think of how that two are down and there's only three more to go. Once next week rolls around you're on the down hill slide.

Have a great weekend everyone! :)

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Autumn is almost here!!

The exciting thing about that is that October is next month and with October comes Halloween and that is my favorite holiday. I hope and pray that it cools down some so it can feel a little bit like autumn. The leaves don't turn around here till January but if we could get some of that cool autumn weather that would be enough for me. For those of you who live in a northern state get out there and enjoy the changing season. And when you do, think of me! ;)
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