Monday, February 18, 2008

Cali and Julius

Look over there ------->

Isn't she beautiful? I promise to post a picture of Julius too. He's never in one place too long. I'm putting up more and more bird feeders in the back yard. It's funny because the cats do not bother them for which I am glad. I feed them very well so there is no need for them to go sniffing back there. Soon I'll be putting up my hummingbird feeders too. I bought a hanging basket today and I'm going to plant pansies in it. That'll be beautiful. Pansies are low maintenence which is good for me sine I'm notorious for killing plants and flowers faster than I can put them in.

Enjoy the day. Get out there and smell the flowers!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Romantic notions...

With Valentine's Day being only two days away my thoughts are on romantic notions. I am single right now but would love to meet a nice man. I hadn't given it much thought for a long time but I'm getting my life in order and making many positive steps in the right direction. It would be a blessing to meet someone with the same ideals and principles as I have. The world is a big place so I will not despair. Even if I never do meet a decent man at least I would have achieved the ultimate: loving myself first. Not many people do and even though they may have a terrific person in their life it is unfortunate that they have never found that inner peace that comes with finally accepting themselves and being okay with the who they are. I'd like to wish everyone a Happy St. Valentine's Day and even though you may be single don't let the holiday of love get you down. I plan on having a nice day out with my mom following up with a nice dinner and heart-shaped cake with flowers on the table! Make it a nice day for yourself because you are worth it.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Skinnier Woman

Happy February everyone! This morning I weighed myself and I have lost 20 more pounds. Last night I tried on a pair of jeans that I couldn't even get up over my hips last summer and they fit! I cannot tell you how happy that made me. It is amazing what eating healthy and exercise can do for a person. If I can do it anyone can do it!!

University of Phoenix Stadium

I was surprised when I saw a piece on the school website about University of Phoenix having their own stadium. That is so awesome! Go here to check it out!!
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