Friday, November 30, 2007

Familes and the holidays

What happens when families don't get along during the holidays? When you have a particularly hateful family member the holidays can be very stressful. One way to deal with it is not go around them at all but when you have to there are ways a person can avoid a confrontation.

One way is to develop a strong armor. Not everyone can do this though. It is even worse when they make smart remarks and biting comments. One thing is to consider that they may be going through some difficult times or they are not happy in an area of their life. When people are insecure they usually pick on the one person that they know will not fight back. Not fighting back does not always mean that you are not a strong person. My mother is a prime example of someone not fighting back when someone in her family is being less than friendly. She has always been a peace-keeper but being one will only take you so far. What makes things worse is that the holidays are coming up and many people would like to see peace and harmony in their own families. That is not always the case and sometimes it is just best to let it go. Since we live in an imperfect world with imperfect people the best thing to do is to go along, minding your own business and doing what you have to do. This will irk those less than friendly family members because doing this action will give the air of confidence, happiness and serenity. I have been doing this for many years and believe me it works. Not only will you feel better but people will respect you (even if the hateful family member will not). You can not help what others do but you can certainly make it a good life for yourself. Maybe some day those bullying family members will learn by your actions.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Passed that Algebra class!

This just in folks- I passed that Algebra class with a B! I can't tell you what bliss that fills me with!! I'm so happy that that's over. I'm living proof that Algebra can be accomplished!!!

Friday, November 23, 2007

Holiday Greetings

I hope everyone had a very Happy Thanksgiving. I did. I managed to stay close to my diet yesterday so I'm happy about that. I've been dieting since September of this year and so far I have lost some weight. I don't know how much because I don't own a scale. They're evil things!!

I found another Star Wars web site so I can be found there. It's and they're affiliated with All you Star Wars fan come by and check it out. My user name is Sariss. I noticed that there's another Sariss on there but they don't have their page decked out. Well, I should add that I'm still working on it. I'm trying to find a Dark Side banner that will fit.
I'm still awaiting my final math grade. Hopefully my instructor will get that to me soon because the waiting is so stressful. Anyone who's been to college knows how waiting on a final grade can be so stressful. I'll be glad when he finally submits it.

Hope this entry finds everyone in good health and spirits. Enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday week-end and don't eat too much! ;)

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


This week I'll be taking my final exam for Algebra 1A and I'm a little nervous. I've done okay up until we had to start graphing although I've been able to keep a handle on things. I just keep thinking positive. I will get through this y'all.

I've been working on my final project for my HHS class. That's due next week. I must say that I've enjoyed the online learning system. I've been attending Axia College of University of Phoenix since January of this year and it's been an educationally rewarding experience. Online courses appeal to me since I have issues with transportation. I could not drive the 45 miles to get to the closest community college so I opted for online learning. Axia College is the best out there so I'm very pleased with the progression of my education so far.
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