Saturday, December 27, 2008

Time flies

It's hard to believe that Christmas has come and gone and we're hurtling towards the new year. What a year 2008 has been. I'm looking forward to 2009 and what it might bring. The new year is always a time for excitement because you don't know what is in store for you.
Anyway, we spent Christmas at my sister's and we had a lovely dinner. Her cat Boots was as crazy as ever. He's such a sweet boy. He was so excited Christmas day- jumping in the wrapping paper and hopping from chair to chair it is almost like having a human child. Boots is a lot of fun and I'm happy that he's a part of our family. Ours is so small and since my niece isn't a little kid anymore Boots really livens things up with his antics. I'll be spending a few days with them this coming week so I'm sure he'll be lively entertainment. For Christmas I got him a weasel ball. It's a soft weasel toy animal that's attached to a plastic ball. You open it up to install the battery and to turn it on. He didn't know what to make of it! He'll get up the courage to attack it in the next few days I'm sure. With that cat it's always a Kodak moment!
Julius is doing good. He's out and about right now. Santa Claus brought him special seafood cat treats and he really likes them. He doesn't care for animals and those balls that has the bells in them. I guess he's too old and mature for that silly stuff. Oh well, I love my Julius. He's a sweet cat and after 17 months of being with us he's finally getting comfortable with us. It's about time! Sometimes it takes cats longer to warm to humans than others. I'm glad he's my cat because he's very special. Whereas Boots is silly Julius is very serious.
Anyway, I hope everyone is enjoying their Christmas holiday. Have a safe and Happy New Year y'all!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Merry Christmas!

I'd like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. Time certainly flies and before we know it it'll be 2009! I hope everyone is keeping sane these days. During these hard times it is best to remember that it doesn't matter how much money we spend as long as we are with the people we love. And, if you cannot afford to give much you can give your time, there are many places to volunteer. One of which is a nursing home; the residents love to have visitors. So take some time to volunteer your time.
Peace everyone.
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