Thursday, August 28, 2008

Back to School

It's hard to believe that August is almost over. The good thing in that is Autumn is almost here. If you live where I do though that doesn't mean too much unfortunately. I miss the changing colors, crispness in the air and the smell of wood smoke.

With August comes a return to school. Some people may or may not be happy about that but the summer is long enough. It is time for those who are students to return to school and clear the cobwebs from their minds. I hope and pray that their brains are responsive to what's being taught to them and I also pray that educators everywhere have the strength and fortitude to tackle a new school year.

How about the Olympics? I'm not a fan of the Summer Olympics but I am a huge fan of the Winter Olympics. It is awesome that Michael Phelps won all the medals that he did. He beat Mark Spitz's record and that stood for 36 years! All the Olympians are winners though because it takes a lot of hard work and dedication to qualify so hats off to them all!

Julius is doing well- he's beginning to fill out so I'm going to cut some of his food back. Since Cali was stolen he's been at home every day. I spend more time with him because I know he's lonely without her. He's very sweet and I always know when he doesn't want me to go in; he'll stand by the door not letting me go inside. If that doesn't work then he'll hiss and start biting my toes. It's so cute but a little worrisome sometimes.

Well, keep cool y'all!!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Happy August!

It's hard to believe that it's August 1st already. Autumn will be here soon and even though that doesn't mean a whole lot in central Texas it is still a great time of year. Honestly I do not like summer and the months of July August have never been my favorite.

I did my monthly weigh in and as of today I have lost 100 pounds since August 2007. I still have more to lose but 100 pounds is nothing to sneeze at. That is an amazing weight loss victory and I'm very happy about it.

I am looking for a job right now. It's not been easy but the Lord knows what I need and I have faith that something wonderful will come my way. The hard part is is having a degree but no experience.

On a sadder note Cali is gone. As far as we know she's not dead and we believe her former owners took her away. They live behind us and being that they're not the most pleasant of people there's nothing we can do about it. I miss her terribly and Julius is very lonesome for her. After process of elimination the only explanation is that her former owners took her and gave her to someone they know. I have scoured the neighborhood and I put up a flyer in the local post office I have walked around the neighborhood asking if anyone has seen her and no one can tell me anything. It's almost as if she disappeared off the face of the earth. I hope she's happy wherever she is and that she's being treated right. She's a very sweet cat so she deserves the best. I'll have to say that she was the best cat I ever had the pleasure of owning. Or should I say had the pleasure of being owned by.

Keep Cali and me in your prayers. Have a great day. Good Bless!
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